CPT Refresher Course

CPT offers refresher courses that enable students technicians in A&P school to reinforce the skills necessary to pass the FAA airframe and powerplant certification tests. CPT ensures that aviation students go on to become aviation professionals in the quickest possible time.

CPT Story

Curriculum Practical Training (CPT) was born out of the determination, resilience, and altruism of a few students at the Broward College Aviation Institute who crossed high hurdles in obtaining the FAA airframe and powerplant certificates; and are now utilizing their experience as a backdrop to compile a curriculum that bolsters the preparedness of students who are in the process of testing for the certificates.

In 2019, the Boeing Airplane Company projected that 769,000 new technicians would be needed to meet the industry demand over the next two decades. That projection is a far cry from current annual statistics. CPT is working to contribute toward achieving that vision of a robust transport aviation industry that exudes self-sufficiency in its workforce development.

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What People Are Saying

During CPT, I learned how to install rigid and flexible fluid lines, do an oil filter change, and reinforced some of the skills required to pass the test. I think CPT is very useful for the students and I hope it will be offered every semester. I obtained my powerplant license right after I took the CPT refresher courses. CPT helped achieve this and I am grateful!

— Junyeol An

For me, I took all three parts (general, airframe, and powerplant). I learned how to make a flare, make a bend for a tube, and install the sleeves. In powerplant, I reinforced the propeller section. And in airframe, I reviewed how to install the landing gear. I got my powerplant license after CPT. When I was doing my general practical exam, there were at least 2 projects I did in CPT. So, I passed these projects within 1 min. That’s awesome! I didn’t need to find the answer in the manual or the Jeppesen book because I already knew the answer. And finally, I passed every project and got the license. So happy about that. Grateful that CPT gave me the chance to reinforce my skills.

— Zhenzi Huang


CPT creates a platform for student technicains to hone their craft. Please fill out this application for a chance to be enrolled in the Refresher Courses.

***Applications are currently closed. We’ll update this page when we start receiving applications again. Thank you.